Friday 17 October 2014

Filming Today

We have done some filming today for our WWI film, it was a good thing to do since it will help us finish the film off. The scene we were filming was the actor Dan was out side sitting down on a wall or a tree and writing the letter, this is part of the letter is when he gets the fag on tuesday. we have a shot were the actor is looking at the photo of his family and saying he sends his love to them and how he is missing. we are again happy with the take and how Dan has helped us out during the filming. we filmed by an area in treforest industrial estate and it was a good location to pick out by Josh it went well with the rest of the film.
i think we need to get one more scene to film which we will do on monday and hopefully we will get everything done and then we can finish off editing which has to be done really next friday but i'm positive it will be down by then.

Thursday 16 October 2014

Recording Studio/Filming Monday!!

Like i said in the last post we recorded a voice over with our actor Dan, which went really well and it was really good to make and i enjoyed it. in my opinion Dan voice sounds like a solider and really goes with the film. We are filming the last little part we need on monday which is the part where the actor Dan will be having a fag outside his tent and also where he has a photo with his two war friends. this should not take long but you never know with filming! but we are hoping it will take a few hours and thats it. we are still waiting for josh to get the tent but if all fails we will have to use a bed sheet to make it out as a tent.

We are filming this scene at Llantrisant common, which the director josh pick because he said it will look good and would be the right location and when looking at pictures i have to agree with him.
it has got to the point where we will film this in any condition of weather because this is a really important scene and will be a great one to shoot.  we also need to get achieved footage to put in our film and we got to make sure we its below 3 mins but i'm sure this will be.

Friday 10 October 2014

Editing Time

We have done half of the filming so now we have decided to start editing the film and see if it looks good. The wednesday just gone, we go the actor Dan to do the voice over in the recording studio, this was good because we could get all the scenes done there and then. i really enjoyed it since i learnt how to use the mixing desk properly and that is what i would like to do in the future. we got Dan to say some the lines over again so we have back up to use and then we have a choice to pick, which was good and i learnt a lot about what to do with sound. we had a problem though, in the recording studio there is air condition which we can't turn off since if we turn that off it turns the whole side of the buildings off, so it was a struggle to get rid of it, but we found a way around it, we did this by setting the mic in a corridor and small spaced and the audio sounded much better and you could not hear any background noise. So the group is very happy with the results that we go during the recording. hope it will all work out. i'd like to thank Dan again for helping us out!

Start on editing is on the way and it will allow us to get moving and get our work done.

in my opinion, that is a great shot of Dan and the candle, just want to put it put there ! hoping to finish this by next friday.

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Looking back on Filming Friday/Saturday

We filmed down the Nantgarw Chinaworks, Matthew booked the camera, tripod and the wheel, that's all he needed and what the director needed. 
our only light was a candle which gave a good light on the scene where he is writing the diary. The costume was perfect fit, we were worried that the costume wouldn't fit and be the actors size but it was a perfect fit. Dan (our actor) was great, he did so well with the demands and took everything on board. everything seems to go smooth when we started filming. we did take longer then we should so we had to try and shoot on the saturday but josh forgot to important thing we needed in that shoot, and that was the tent. so we now need to make sure we can film soon to get the final parts of the film so we can start editing properly.  but least we got all the footage we needed to do a bit of editing. we will now do the voice over in the recording studio today using the actors dan voice to go over our clips. 

(not actual college recording studio, i wish though) 

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Shooting on friday !!!!

All stations go, everyone is working hard to get the pre-production done by the time we need to film. Josh is sorting out the last little bits to add to the script so it fits to the actors need, while Matthew is sorting out the Lighting and camera script so its all coming together to make sure that we have everything sorted out. We are going to be filming at the Llantrisant Common because Josh said it would be a very good location to use since it has good places to shoot.
This is what the common looks like , i reckon josh is right when he said it looks like a good place to use for the film.

After having a discussion with the group we have decided to change the location to radyr woods and because it looks like a good idea to go