Wednesday 5 November 2014



When looking back though all what we have done and what we have filmed, I will be honest and say that we have done alright, we could done better with this to be honest but our organisation was horrible and that was due to my fault since I was the producer and should of done it right. Apart from all of that I am quite happy what we have manage to produce. Josh really did well with his idea and everyone in the group was happy with the idea.  We were asking to make a mini film about World War I to help GCSE Students. We started off by brain storming on what to do, we were thinking of making a film to do with the impact women had in the war. We were about to go for that idea, but then josh had an idea of doing a letter from a solider writing a letter from the war to his mum at home. What we did with the letter was take the most important parts out of it because it has to be 3 minutes or less. Picking an idea took longer then it should and that cost us a bit of time. We had to get a costume for the shoot, which we got but going to a costume shop. The college helped us out with that to pay for the costume to rent. We then did a minutes meet were you have a meeting a record the minutes of the idea and what stuff was spoken about during the time and what time.  We filmed at a place called the natgarw fireworks, which was nice of the people there to let us, film some our war film it helped us a lot. I’d like to say thanks to holly for showing us the place. Filming went well that day we got everything done for the indoor scenes, we had Dan writing on a desk like he was in his dorm at a training camp with a lit candle to give it a good lighting which was good since we didn’t use any lights on it which when that was done it got us on our way to start the beginning of editing. Again I would like to thank Dan Rich for helping us all through the filming we did and everyone in the group really appreciates it.  Once that was done we needed to make sure we could fined      an out door scene. This took ages to find since josh wanted to find the right location, this took long so we had to find somewhere to do it and fast. So we shot one the scene at treforest estate with Dan smoking and writing the letter outside the training camp which was good because we needed this footage for the letter. We got Dan to dress up in a shirt and brown trousers like they would do in the war. We try to make it as real as possible. It went well and got all the clips, which will allow me to edit more.  There was a disagreement since for some reason Matthew kept trying to pan everything we shot and it got a bit annoying. Then we have left it late to film the last bit because we were waiting for josh to get a tent but he took ages to get it so we had to improvise on what the tent should look like and used a bed sheet to make it look like one. This was a quick and easy shoot and it annoys me that my group took long to get it sorted because it took us longer to set up the tent then it did to shoot the footage what we needed. We then started to get the voice over which again Dan Rich helped us out. We book the recording studio and used the facilities to help us produce the best sound we could. Rory and Matthew really helped me with this and showed me what I needed to do and gave me more interest on the sound and how it was. The lessons we had with Rory before helped me in the understanding of the sound and what we needed to do and how goo the quality should be. We gave Dan the script then we recording him speaking each part of the script and make sure the quality of the recording was good and we had the best one. When Dan was doing some the retakes I felt like I had the power when I was be hide the mixing desk  , which I found quite funny. Once that was done we could finally finish the edit and that was hard to do, you would think that 2-3 minute video would not take long at all but it does and I have found my self trying to make everything perfect and maybe because it’s a small video so I don’t want to make a mess of it. Finding all the sounds was harder then usual because I couldn’t find the right sound I wanted and that took me ages to do. When looking back at the editing I did and the way I did it, I am happy on the out come that happened and I’m glad we were able to get it done and hopefully our poor organisation did not cost us as much.

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