Wednesday 17 September 2014

Research at the Museum

As a group/class we all met up in cardiff and went to the Cardiff National Museum to look at the World War 1 expedition which was a good experience and allowed me and my group to come up with a ideas to help us and hopefully we will make a good video.

The inspiration that this has give me and my group was a good one. going around the museum looking at old photos made me rethink what it was actually was like in world war 1.

Wales helped out a lot in the war and with photos i will show later it is interesting looking at the photos, i found it amazing that people.

The picture below is showing a symbol of the end of the war. which shows a soldier nailing the door shut on the war. The devastation's recent presence is shown in the ruin with blood stains all round.

Showing a soldiers in training and at the front , one journalist described these pictures as capturing 'the spirit of our new, young army'.

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