Wednesday 24 September 2014

The Letter we will be using

The Letter i will be using is a letter that a soldier has written to his mother and on what he has done before he went to war and what he did when he went  to war in. 

5th Bn, King’s Royal Rifle Corps, Winchester.
" Mother
Just a line to let you know that I am getting on all right in the Army. I hope that you are all well as I am myself. I am very sorry for what I done when I was at home and will pay you back when I get some more pay. I like the Army very well for I am going to join the Regulars when I have done my time in the Reserve. Then I shall be able to pay you back for I get 30/- [30 shillings/£1.50] as a bounty. I hope you and Dad will forgive me for what I done when at home. I cannot write no more at present for I have to do some more work. Trusting you will forgive me. I remain your son,"
Stephen Brown
Dear Mother
"Just a line to let you know that I am getting on alright. I hope [you] are the same. I am sorry I did not write before. We are so busy that I have had [no] time. We are confined to barracks so I can not get a stamp… I hope Tommy and Archie Hammond are all right. Give my love to Kitty, Lillie, Maggie, Freddy and Ted. I hope Dad is quite well… I thank you for forgiving me. I know I don’t deserve it. Tell Auntie Tot and Uncle Bob that I am getting on fine. Is Uncle Bob been called up yet? We are calling all our Reservists up and those on leave. This is all at present.
I remain your loving son, Stephen"

These are some of the letters we will be using in our video.

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