Wednesday 5 November 2014

Nearly Done !!!

Currently Exporting the Master at the moment to make sure least i have a good quality copy.

also exporting my web video.

and using a compressor to be able to view my film onto my phone.



When looking back though all what we have done and what we have filmed, I will be honest and say that we have done alright, we could done better with this to be honest but our organisation was horrible and that was due to my fault since I was the producer and should of done it right. Apart from all of that I am quite happy what we have manage to produce. Josh really did well with his idea and everyone in the group was happy with the idea.  We were asking to make a mini film about World War I to help GCSE Students. We started off by brain storming on what to do, we were thinking of making a film to do with the impact women had in the war. We were about to go for that idea, but then josh had an idea of doing a letter from a solider writing a letter from the war to his mum at home. What we did with the letter was take the most important parts out of it because it has to be 3 minutes or less. Picking an idea took longer then it should and that cost us a bit of time. We had to get a costume for the shoot, which we got but going to a costume shop. The college helped us out with that to pay for the costume to rent. We then did a minutes meet were you have a meeting a record the minutes of the idea and what stuff was spoken about during the time and what time.  We filmed at a place called the natgarw fireworks, which was nice of the people there to let us, film some our war film it helped us a lot. I’d like to say thanks to holly for showing us the place. Filming went well that day we got everything done for the indoor scenes, we had Dan writing on a desk like he was in his dorm at a training camp with a lit candle to give it a good lighting which was good since we didn’t use any lights on it which when that was done it got us on our way to start the beginning of editing. Again I would like to thank Dan Rich for helping us all through the filming we did and everyone in the group really appreciates it.  Once that was done we needed to make sure we could fined      an out door scene. This took ages to find since josh wanted to find the right location, this took long so we had to find somewhere to do it and fast. So we shot one the scene at treforest estate with Dan smoking and writing the letter outside the training camp which was good because we needed this footage for the letter. We got Dan to dress up in a shirt and brown trousers like they would do in the war. We try to make it as real as possible. It went well and got all the clips, which will allow me to edit more.  There was a disagreement since for some reason Matthew kept trying to pan everything we shot and it got a bit annoying. Then we have left it late to film the last bit because we were waiting for josh to get a tent but he took ages to get it so we had to improvise on what the tent should look like and used a bed sheet to make it look like one. This was a quick and easy shoot and it annoys me that my group took long to get it sorted because it took us longer to set up the tent then it did to shoot the footage what we needed. We then started to get the voice over which again Dan Rich helped us out. We book the recording studio and used the facilities to help us produce the best sound we could. Rory and Matthew really helped me with this and showed me what I needed to do and gave me more interest on the sound and how it was. The lessons we had with Rory before helped me in the understanding of the sound and what we needed to do and how goo the quality should be. We gave Dan the script then we recording him speaking each part of the script and make sure the quality of the recording was good and we had the best one. When Dan was doing some the retakes I felt like I had the power when I was be hide the mixing desk  , which I found quite funny. Once that was done we could finally finish the edit and that was hard to do, you would think that 2-3 minute video would not take long at all but it does and I have found my self trying to make everything perfect and maybe because it’s a small video so I don’t want to make a mess of it. Finding all the sounds was harder then usual because I couldn’t find the right sound I wanted and that took me ages to do. When looking back at the editing I did and the way I did it, I am happy on the out come that happened and I’m glad we were able to get it done and hopefully our poor organisation did not cost us as much.

Interactive Media,Legal Worries, Formats

Interactive Media

Interactive Media is usually when a product or services are on a digital computer based system which response to the users actions by presenting content as video, text, graphic, animation and could say that any form of interface between the user and a digital service would be interactive but not the only source of interaction media, there is something called printed interactive media which would be board games and pop-up games. so in my case in making my World War film and how people can learn from it, is that they can interact with it and hopefully get into the short film. A example of interactive media would be social networking sites because they let you interact with using games and lets people share photos and videos. Video games are also a source of interactive media because the people who play them uses a controller to respond the visual and sound cues on the screen. Really your sky boxes and recorders are interactive media. Adverts on T.V or on the web are interactive because they are trying to get you to buy the products they are selling. Also Vloging is a new way of interacting with people mostly used by you tubers to do q and a stuff.

Archive Footage Worry ,Legal Worries
When using archive footage, i need to make sure that all the videos are the right war clips to go with the film and making sure that the footage is clear, i will need to make sure that nothing is copyrighted and make sure it is only used for education purposes only. i will need to credit the people at the end. need to make sure i have the footage is right. the ethical issues i have to look out for is that what if i can not use the archive footage for copy right reasons, i will have to find videos that are free to use and will not get me into trouble. same with the music, i got to make sure that it will not affect my work and it is the right type of music to go with the video.


We are making the finish video and we got to format it for the web and one for a mobile phone, we are doing this because we need the video to show on the web so people can watch it so people can watch it to revise and the same with the mobile phone which would allow to watch it on the go and it be portable to use. it is a great way to format the videos to. i will make a master video which will be the full HQ video. The mobile format will be in mp4 so i will compress the file so it will fit on to a film and work well. I will also be exporting the master file to make it work on the web. I will try to put my work up on youtube to see if it will work on the web, i'v tried the film on my phone and it has worked fine.I am going to talk little about file sizes, which makes the data in the file smaller. One of them is called Lossy which is a way of compressing a video or picture. Lossy is a high compression which means the picture or video will have a lower quality and a smaller file size which would help when putting it on a phone. The other one is Lossless which is a low compression so the video or picture is at a higher quality but the file size is very big. Containers which is the file it's self, wraps up the video and audio in to a file which is called .mov file or . aiff.

aiff files

 mov files

Friday 17 October 2014

Filming Today

We have done some filming today for our WWI film, it was a good thing to do since it will help us finish the film off. The scene we were filming was the actor Dan was out side sitting down on a wall or a tree and writing the letter, this is part of the letter is when he gets the fag on tuesday. we have a shot were the actor is looking at the photo of his family and saying he sends his love to them and how he is missing. we are again happy with the take and how Dan has helped us out during the filming. we filmed by an area in treforest industrial estate and it was a good location to pick out by Josh it went well with the rest of the film.
i think we need to get one more scene to film which we will do on monday and hopefully we will get everything done and then we can finish off editing which has to be done really next friday but i'm positive it will be down by then.

Thursday 16 October 2014

Recording Studio/Filming Monday!!

Like i said in the last post we recorded a voice over with our actor Dan, which went really well and it was really good to make and i enjoyed it. in my opinion Dan voice sounds like a solider and really goes with the film. We are filming the last little part we need on monday which is the part where the actor Dan will be having a fag outside his tent and also where he has a photo with his two war friends. this should not take long but you never know with filming! but we are hoping it will take a few hours and thats it. we are still waiting for josh to get the tent but if all fails we will have to use a bed sheet to make it out as a tent.

We are filming this scene at Llantrisant common, which the director josh pick because he said it will look good and would be the right location and when looking at pictures i have to agree with him.
it has got to the point where we will film this in any condition of weather because this is a really important scene and will be a great one to shoot.  we also need to get achieved footage to put in our film and we got to make sure we its below 3 mins but i'm sure this will be.

Friday 10 October 2014

Editing Time

We have done half of the filming so now we have decided to start editing the film and see if it looks good. The wednesday just gone, we go the actor Dan to do the voice over in the recording studio, this was good because we could get all the scenes done there and then. i really enjoyed it since i learnt how to use the mixing desk properly and that is what i would like to do in the future. we got Dan to say some the lines over again so we have back up to use and then we have a choice to pick, which was good and i learnt a lot about what to do with sound. we had a problem though, in the recording studio there is air condition which we can't turn off since if we turn that off it turns the whole side of the buildings off, so it was a struggle to get rid of it, but we found a way around it, we did this by setting the mic in a corridor and small spaced and the audio sounded much better and you could not hear any background noise. So the group is very happy with the results that we go during the recording. hope it will all work out. i'd like to thank Dan again for helping us out!

Start on editing is on the way and it will allow us to get moving and get our work done.

in my opinion, that is a great shot of Dan and the candle, just want to put it put there ! hoping to finish this by next friday.

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Looking back on Filming Friday/Saturday

We filmed down the Nantgarw Chinaworks, Matthew booked the camera, tripod and the wheel, that's all he needed and what the director needed. 
our only light was a candle which gave a good light on the scene where he is writing the diary. The costume was perfect fit, we were worried that the costume wouldn't fit and be the actors size but it was a perfect fit. Dan (our actor) was great, he did so well with the demands and took everything on board. everything seems to go smooth when we started filming. we did take longer then we should so we had to try and shoot on the saturday but josh forgot to important thing we needed in that shoot, and that was the tent. so we now need to make sure we can film soon to get the final parts of the film so we can start editing properly.  but least we got all the footage we needed to do a bit of editing. we will now do the voice over in the recording studio today using the actors dan voice to go over our clips. 

(not actual college recording studio, i wish though) 

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Shooting on friday !!!!

All stations go, everyone is working hard to get the pre-production done by the time we need to film. Josh is sorting out the last little bits to add to the script so it fits to the actors need, while Matthew is sorting out the Lighting and camera script so its all coming together to make sure that we have everything sorted out. We are going to be filming at the Llantrisant Common because Josh said it would be a very good location to use since it has good places to shoot.
This is what the common looks like , i reckon josh is right when he said it looks like a good place to use for the film.

After having a discussion with the group we have decided to change the location to radyr woods and because it looks like a good idea to go

Wednesday 24 September 2014

The Letter we will be using

The Letter i will be using is a letter that a soldier has written to his mother and on what he has done before he went to war and what he did when he went  to war in. 

5th Bn, King’s Royal Rifle Corps, Winchester.
" Mother
Just a line to let you know that I am getting on all right in the Army. I hope that you are all well as I am myself. I am very sorry for what I done when I was at home and will pay you back when I get some more pay. I like the Army very well for I am going to join the Regulars when I have done my time in the Reserve. Then I shall be able to pay you back for I get 30/- [30 shillings/£1.50] as a bounty. I hope you and Dad will forgive me for what I done when at home. I cannot write no more at present for I have to do some more work. Trusting you will forgive me. I remain your son,"
Stephen Brown
Dear Mother
"Just a line to let you know that I am getting on alright. I hope [you] are the same. I am sorry I did not write before. We are so busy that I have had [no] time. We are confined to barracks so I can not get a stamp… I hope Tommy and Archie Hammond are all right. Give my love to Kitty, Lillie, Maggie, Freddy and Ted. I hope Dad is quite well… I thank you for forgiving me. I know I don’t deserve it. Tell Auntie Tot and Uncle Bob that I am getting on fine. Is Uncle Bob been called up yet? We are calling all our Reservists up and those on leave. This is all at present.
I remain your loving son, Stephen"

These are some of the letters we will be using in our video.


“These letters paint a portrait of a society scarred by tragedy, guilt and grief,” says Gavin Fuller, the Daily Telegraph archivist and compiler of The Telegraph Book of Readers’ Letters From the Great War. “Also of a country battling to give their all and ‘do their bit’.” That “bit” took many forms. When the war began, in August 1914, the columns of this paper were full of contributions from organisations and individuals putting forward not just suggestions, but practical offers of help. Along, then, with exhortations from the Royal Horticultural Society to plant turnips, onions and beetroot, and calls for volunteers to help farmers gather in the wheat harvest, there were rallying cries from luminaries across the land. The England cricket team, for example, suggested that anyone who had enjoyed watching a Test match should donate the equivalent of their admission money to a fund alleviating hardship caused by the war. “We have before us as we write, the vision of many a fair English cricket ground, packed with eager multitudes,” wrote a number of players, including W G Grace.

Officers at the front have written to say that long fishing waders, similar to those worn by fishermen, would be gratefully received, and would relieve the sufferings of our troops.” And, this being Britain, there were appeals on behalf of the animals too. “Without horses, war could not be waged,” observed Olive Smith-Dorrien, of 21 Eaton Terrace (many of the letters came from well-to-do addresses). “In 1912, Our Dumb Friends League started a branch called The Blue Cross Fund, which aimed at the care of horses during wartime. Over £3,000 a month is needed to carry on this work on its present scale, and up to date, we have received this amount from lovers of horses from all parts of the Empire.” Such goodwill was not, however, extended to two-footed Germans. Especially those who had settled in Britain before the war began.

Production Sec


17th September – Making Blog        

17th September – Thinking of the idea

18th September – Making a mind map

24th September – Research on the story and our idea

25thh September – Writing a Proposal

26th September – Script to be done and finished, (hopefully by lunch)

26th September – Storyboard done and completed

30th September – Camera Script completed

30th September – film the scene of the actor writing the letters

8th October – Get Props for filming

10th October – Filming with Costumes and full mini episodes 

12th October – Matthew will do a voice over for the episode

15th October – Trotter will get sound for the video.

After the filming we will start our own edit for the episode

November 5th – Deadline for everything to be in

Starting The Proposal

Start of the Proposal 

I will start my proposal to show off my idea on what to make on our World War One Revision video, my idea would be to talk about the  naive about how the world war would take they thought it be 4 months and how it would not last long. My Idea would include the truces football match that german and the british had at Christmas time which would be effect the war since after that the soldiers who were involved in it , did not want to fight after it. Since the naive was quite a big thing at the start, i thought it would be good idea to make this.          

The pictures above shows the pictures from the start of the war and the other picture is a football of the piece in the war and how they played. after this the war was stopped for a few days after this occasion happened.

Friday 19 September 2014

Ideas = Women in the War/ Soldier Letters

These are some of the ideas that we have come up with, women in the war and the soldier in war and how the soldiers sent letters back home. the soldiers letters is most likely the way we are going to go and make, but we are finding hard to find a way to make it good production, finding costume and props to make our idea look good.

The Idea 

The idea would be that we would find a soldier letter to react it by someone acting as the soldier writing the letter home while showing what is happening. 

like i said before, when the person writing the letter , we would have a fade on the letter with someone acting whats happening in the letter out. we will need to find places act it out, i would act out the soldier in this letter. we will be able to use the costume to rent to help is with the video. i will make sure i get everything right because the group really want to make a high mark . at this moment i think that we will pick this idea since its quite different to the other groups, since the others are going for working women in the war, so that is why we are changing our idea, because we think that it be good idea to film this. 

Women in the War

Women's Support Roles in the World Wars Right up to the outbreak of World War I, feminists on both sides pledged themselves to peace, in transnational women’s solidarity. Within months of the war’s outbreak, however, “all the major feminist groups of the belligerents had given a new pledge – to support their respective governments.” 

We thought we would do this because women had such a big impact on the war and what an incredible job they did. the more made more jobs for women who couldn't get one in the past.  

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Research at the Museum

As a group/class we all met up in cardiff and went to the Cardiff National Museum to look at the World War 1 expedition which was a good experience and allowed me and my group to come up with a ideas to help us and hopefully we will make a good video.

The inspiration that this has give me and my group was a good one. going around the museum looking at old photos made me rethink what it was actually was like in world war 1.

Wales helped out a lot in the war and with photos i will show later it is interesting looking at the photos, i found it amazing that people.

The picture below is showing a symbol of the end of the war. which shows a soldier nailing the door shut on the war. The devastation's recent presence is shown in the ruin with blood stains all round.

Showing a soldiers in training and at the front , one journalist described these pictures as capturing 'the spirit of our new, young army'.

Mini Episode of World War I

I have been given a task to make mini on world war 1 which would help GCSEs students age 14-16 relate to the events of 1914-18 in wales. i have been put in to a group and given us assigned roles. i have been given the role Producer to make sure everything is organised.